Ice Axe - the “always bring” tool


What a tool the ice axe is. When traveling glaciers it is one of the key tools to bring adding tremendous security and support. Over the years I started to learn not only to value the ice axe when traveling glaciers or winterly mountain terrain. It is a tool I almost always bring to a hike and mountain adventure. Too often I had to cancel a traverse or steep climb-like section in lack of this great tool.

You might ask “why bring an ice axe to a non-glaciated terrain”? An ice axe simply adds so much security to arrest a fall or much before that provide additional hold. Let’s provide a few examples - all of them real life experiences

On an early summer outing in South Tirol a friend and myself where approaching the “Hasenöhrl”, a peak about 3000 masl… nothing too fancy or difficult. Probably an advance hike on a normal day. But it was not a normal day, it was early in the season after a heavy snow year. We had to traverse a rather steep slope that was almost full ice in the early morning as no sun had hit the area yet. Without the ice axes it would have been impossible or at least very dangerous as a fall would have been painful at best. With the ice axe it was much easier, enabling to prepare steps but also provide much needed hold (and safety) on the icy snow covered scree and mountain face. On the way down, probably 3 hours later the snow was already soft from the sun and easy to walk even without ice axe.

On a multi day outing in Switzerland we experienced heavy rain over night. On day two we were supposed to cross a wall section with a narrow trail. Due to the heavy rain the trail was slippery at best. Unfortunately the trail was above a huge drop off requiring solid foot steps and was regarded as a no slip zone. That day (in the middle of summer) we did not bring any serious climbing gear nor ice axe. Crossing that section of the trail was way too dangerous in these conditions resulting in a huge detour. With an ice axe the crossing would have been possible as a potential fall could have been stopped or prevented.


Petzl RIDE…

At only 240 grams and 45 cm of length an ideal tool to bring on almost any mountain adventure.

I often get asked “why do you bring the ice axe in this easy hike and slow you down by its bulk and weight”? Modern ice axes are not bulky nor heavy. I often use a smaller, lightweight tool. I am personally a big fan of the Petzl Ride with the little weight of 240 gr. That is not heavy and with the short shaft of only 45 cm it is not bulky either.

If you are in the mountains no matter the weather and conditions consider adding a bit of safety (and fun) by bringing an ice axe. It is also huge fun to scramble up (or down) a steep grassy slope with the help of this tool.


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